Time Trialling News


  • 2024 Bolton-by-Bowland Hilly 10.

    2024 Bolton-by-Bowland Hilly 10.

    Rossendale Road Club Hilly 10 ‘Bolton-by-Bowland’- on L112. 24/02/2024. Following a very wet week, the Saturday of the opening event of the season in North District turned out to be near-perfect for the time of year. It was chilly, but less so than for 2023, with almost no wind and as an added bonus, occasional…

  • New Club TT Records

    New Club TT Records

    The Pendle Forest time trial team were busy on mid-summer weekend of 2023, with new club records for the team of three in the 10 mile and 25 mile solo time trials. On Saturday evening the combination of Bideau – Bateman – Braithwaite knocked 1 minute 38 seconds off the 10 mile record set in…

  • Velo Club Cumbria 10

    Velo Club Cumbria 10

    Velo Club Cumbria 10 mile TT on L1010. 03/06/2023. The image is from the 2017 NLTTA 100 taken near Braithwaite Institute Village Hall on the same stretch of road used by this 10. Roadclutter and sheep have been digitally obliterated. Course L1010 is one of the many excellent courses using the A66 between Keswick and…

Featured Events

  • Velo Club Cumbria 10

    Velo Club Cumbria 10

    Velo Club Cumbria 10 mile TT on L1010. 03/06/2023. The image is from the 2017 NLTTA 100 taken near Braithwaite Institute Village Hall on the same stretch of road used by this 10. Roadclutter and sheep have been digitally obliterated. Course L1010 is one of the many excellent courses using the A66 between Keswick and…

  • The 12 hour Time Trial

    By Richard Bideau Yorkshire district together with cycling team Vive Le Velo are promoting a new 12 hour event in 2023. A lot of work is being done to widen the appeal of what has become something of a niche event. I’m told that there are already a good number of entries, particulary from triathletes.…

  • Riding a 100 mile Time Trial

    Riding a 100 mile Time Trial

    By Richard Bideau. I am often asked for advice on how to prepare for the 100. Here are some suggestions based on my own experience. 100 miles! There is a certain grandeur about the distance. Mention it and people react. It sounds so hard. For the rider, there is a greater apprehension about competing than…